Chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbs) can help TREMENDOUSLY with menstrual disorders. Acupuncture and especially herbs are helpful for menstural cramps, irregular cycles, PMS and mood swings, anxiety, depression and insomnia associated with your period, breast tenderness, heavy bleeding and amenorrhea (your period stopping).
Chinese medicine, acupuncture, nutrition and herbs can also help a great deal with acne.
You can usually expect your periods to improve within 3 cycles with the use of Chinese medicine and nutrition. Acupuncture can balance your hormones naturally so that you don't have to use the birth control pill and experience the risks associated with it.
If you are looking for natural family planning options I recommend the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. These methods of natural birth control are also called the rhythm method or the fertility awareness method. To use natural family planning to avoid pregnancy (or to induce a pregnancy, for that matter) you need to have regular cycles, track your cycle and be aware of your body. As stated before, Chinese medicine and acupuncture can work wonders to regulate your cycles and if your acupuncturist has a focus on women's health they should be able to help you become more aware of your body and its natural rhythms.