Several acupuncture points can help to stimulate the uterus to contract. These are also points that can help ease the discomfort of labor. Below you can find some of these points that you can do acupressure (massage) on yourself. Rub these points several times a starting about a week before your due date to help the body prepare for labor.
When you come for acupuncture treatment to induce labor, we will use some of these same points. Electrical stimulation (very low electric current) can be employed. The needles are very thin and virtually painless. A slight pinch is all that may be felt (nothing like receiving a shot or drawing blood).
It is advised to start receiving acupuncture treatment twice a week when you are about two to four weeks before your due date. This is ideal to start readying the body for induction. Once closer to your due date, induction points will start being used. If you are already past your due date, it is recommended to come for treatment 2 to 3 times per week to really get things moving and to help avoid a C-Section or medical induction. Most patients will go into labor after the third treatment. With regular acupuncture care before delivery, patients can shorten their labor time and naturally have less pain.
Check out my page on Pre-Natal Acupuncture Care, including stories from real patients.