Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't see the answer to your question, please contact me.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a system of healing that was developed in China over 2,500 years ago. It is part of a complete system of medicine (called Chinese medicine) that is incredibly efficient at diagnosing and treating disease. Chinese medicine includes five branches, which are: 1.) Herbal Medicine, 2.) Movement and Breathing Exercises, 3.) Nutrition, 4.) Bodywork and of course, 5.) Acupuncture. Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin, disposable needles into specific points on the body. These points have a tremendous impact on how your organs function, your hormone levels, blood circulation, sleep patterns and energy level. They can also relieve pain in tight sore muscles, sprains and strains, and in arthritic joints.
How does Acupuncture work?
The traditional and ancient viewpoint is that acupuncture helps free up the flow of energy in the body and attunes the body with the natural environment in order to promote health and healing.
Modern studies show that acupuncture releases endorphins, increases circulation, augments the hormonal system and alters the nervous system in order to relieve stress and increases levels of feel-good neurotransmitters. By doing so, acupuncture lifts the barriers so that the body can heal itself.
What is the training for Acupuncture Physicians?
Acupuncture Physicians, in the state of Florida, are primary care providers. A four-year graduate level training program, including an internship, is required before being licensed by the state. Acupuncture Physicians can order lab work in the state of Florida make referrals to specialists.
What can Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture and it’s related modalities can treat a wide range of health concerns. Some of the most common ailments treated by acupuncture are pain (chronic and acute), women's health concerns, infertility, depression, stress, anxiety, low libido, digestive complaints, hormonal imbalances, immunity problems (low immunity or autoimmune disease), fatigue, allergies and addictions. If you are wondering if acupuncture can help your particular health concern, please feel free to contact us.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
No. Acupuncture does have a sensation associated with it, but in the hands of a skilled practitioner it should never be overly painful. When people try acupuncture for the first time they are often surprised by how much it doesn't hurt and instead how relaxing it is. You might feel a very mild sensation when the needle is initially inserted, but those reactions vary from person to person and they also vary depending on the place the needle is inserted. Any uncomfortable feelings usually pass within a second or two. Once the needles are in for awhile, people usually describe the sensation of acupuncture as "heavy," "pressure," "moving," "active," "tingly," "electric," "achy," or "warm." These are all considered positive reactions to the needles and should cause no concern.
How Many Acupuncture Treatments Do I Need?
Generally it is good to start with a course of 8-12 treatments. This usually will provide adequate time to properly address one to two conditions. If the condition is chronic, or you have multiple over-lapping conditions, it may require more treatments for the best results. It is usually best to come for acupuncture once to twice a week when working on a specific condition or conditions. After these health concerns have improved, patients often like to receive maintenance treatments every 2 to 4 weeks or so. Patients find receiving maintenance acupuncture treatments helps them manage stress, boost energy, enhance sleep, etc.
What Happens During an Acupuncture Treatment and Office Visit?
The initial appointment will last about 1.5 hours; follow up treatments are about an hour. On the first appointment there will be a comprehensive review of your health history and chief complaint(s). There will also be an assessment of your body from a holistic point of view to help determine the underlying imbalances that might be causing your health concerns.
At each session a personalized acupuncture treatment is delivered depending on what is currently presenting, and in accordance with your long-term health goals. You will relax in a comfortable room for approximately 30 minutes once the needles are in. Many people relax enough to fall asleep during their treatment. Additional therapies may be offered and are included in your office visit. These include heat therapy, bodywork techniques, dietary and lifestyle recommendations and stress reduction activities. Herbal medicine and nutritional supplements may be recommended to further assist you on your road to wellness. These supplements are provided for an additional fee.
Does Insurance or Flex-Spending Cover Acupuncture?
Yes! Bring your flex-spending card and we will process it through our credit card reader. It's a good idea to double check with your HR department or insurance carrier, but generally acupuncture is covered by flex accounts.
We do not bill insurance, however, if your plan covers acupuncture (double check that it does) we can provide a properly coded superbill for you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.
What is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine is one of the five branches and healing modalities of Chinese medicine. In China, herbal medicine is very popular and considered a first line of therapy for treating illness. Using herbal medicine in conjunction with acupuncture can greatly enhance the outcomes of your treatments. All of the herbs I provide are of top quality and ones that I take myself. The herbal companies used are based in the United States and offer rigorous testing and manufacturing processes for quality and safety.
How Should I Prepare for my Appointment?
Have a light meal at least a few hours before your appointment. You don’t want to be overly full or overly hungry for your appointment. You may want to have some free time after your appointment, especially your first one. Many times acupuncture can make people feel pleasantly relaxed after their treatment—so you may not want to schedule your board meeting or very vigorous exercise afterwards (light exercise should be fine).
You should also complete new patient paperwork prior to your appointment, or arrive at least 20 minutes beforehand to fill out your paperwork.
Will I Need to Undress for my Appointment?
Patients are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing. Many acupuncture points are located on the lower legs and lower arms, so patients may not need to undress if they can roll up their pants and shirt sleeves comfortably. However, some patients might need to disrobe in order to reach treatment areas (for instance, if there is hip, low back or shoulder pain). In this case they will be professionally draped with sheets.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a system of healing that was developed in China over 2,500 years ago. It is part of a complete system of medicine (called Chinese medicine) that is incredibly efficient at diagnosing and treating disease. Chinese medicine includes five branches, which are: 1.) Herbal Medicine, 2.) Movement and Breathing Exercises, 3.) Nutrition, 4.) Bodywork and of course, 5.) Acupuncture. Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin, disposable needles into specific points on the body. These points have a tremendous impact on how your organs function, your hormone levels, blood circulation, sleep patterns and energy level. They can also relieve pain in tight sore muscles, sprains and strains, and in arthritic joints.
How does Acupuncture work?
The traditional and ancient viewpoint is that acupuncture helps free up the flow of energy in the body and attunes the body with the natural environment in order to promote health and healing.
Modern studies show that acupuncture releases endorphins, increases circulation, augments the hormonal system and alters the nervous system in order to relieve stress and increases levels of feel-good neurotransmitters. By doing so, acupuncture lifts the barriers so that the body can heal itself.
What is the training for Acupuncture Physicians?
Acupuncture Physicians, in the state of Florida, are primary care providers. A four-year graduate level training program, including an internship, is required before being licensed by the state. Acupuncture Physicians can order lab work in the state of Florida make referrals to specialists.
What can Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture and it’s related modalities can treat a wide range of health concerns. Some of the most common ailments treated by acupuncture are pain (chronic and acute), women's health concerns, infertility, depression, stress, anxiety, low libido, digestive complaints, hormonal imbalances, immunity problems (low immunity or autoimmune disease), fatigue, allergies and addictions. If you are wondering if acupuncture can help your particular health concern, please feel free to contact us.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
No. Acupuncture does have a sensation associated with it, but in the hands of a skilled practitioner it should never be overly painful. When people try acupuncture for the first time they are often surprised by how much it doesn't hurt and instead how relaxing it is. You might feel a very mild sensation when the needle is initially inserted, but those reactions vary from person to person and they also vary depending on the place the needle is inserted. Any uncomfortable feelings usually pass within a second or two. Once the needles are in for awhile, people usually describe the sensation of acupuncture as "heavy," "pressure," "moving," "active," "tingly," "electric," "achy," or "warm." These are all considered positive reactions to the needles and should cause no concern.
How Many Acupuncture Treatments Do I Need?
Generally it is good to start with a course of 8-12 treatments. This usually will provide adequate time to properly address one to two conditions. If the condition is chronic, or you have multiple over-lapping conditions, it may require more treatments for the best results. It is usually best to come for acupuncture once to twice a week when working on a specific condition or conditions. After these health concerns have improved, patients often like to receive maintenance treatments every 2 to 4 weeks or so. Patients find receiving maintenance acupuncture treatments helps them manage stress, boost energy, enhance sleep, etc.
What Happens During an Acupuncture Treatment and Office Visit?
The initial appointment will last about 1.5 hours; follow up treatments are about an hour. On the first appointment there will be a comprehensive review of your health history and chief complaint(s). There will also be an assessment of your body from a holistic point of view to help determine the underlying imbalances that might be causing your health concerns.
At each session a personalized acupuncture treatment is delivered depending on what is currently presenting, and in accordance with your long-term health goals. You will relax in a comfortable room for approximately 30 minutes once the needles are in. Many people relax enough to fall asleep during their treatment. Additional therapies may be offered and are included in your office visit. These include heat therapy, bodywork techniques, dietary and lifestyle recommendations and stress reduction activities. Herbal medicine and nutritional supplements may be recommended to further assist you on your road to wellness. These supplements are provided for an additional fee.
Does Insurance or Flex-Spending Cover Acupuncture?
Yes! Bring your flex-spending card and we will process it through our credit card reader. It's a good idea to double check with your HR department or insurance carrier, but generally acupuncture is covered by flex accounts.
We do not bill insurance, however, if your plan covers acupuncture (double check that it does) we can provide a properly coded superbill for you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.
What is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine is one of the five branches and healing modalities of Chinese medicine. In China, herbal medicine is very popular and considered a first line of therapy for treating illness. Using herbal medicine in conjunction with acupuncture can greatly enhance the outcomes of your treatments. All of the herbs I provide are of top quality and ones that I take myself. The herbal companies used are based in the United States and offer rigorous testing and manufacturing processes for quality and safety.
How Should I Prepare for my Appointment?
Have a light meal at least a few hours before your appointment. You don’t want to be overly full or overly hungry for your appointment. You may want to have some free time after your appointment, especially your first one. Many times acupuncture can make people feel pleasantly relaxed after their treatment—so you may not want to schedule your board meeting or very vigorous exercise afterwards (light exercise should be fine).
You should also complete new patient paperwork prior to your appointment, or arrive at least 20 minutes beforehand to fill out your paperwork.
Will I Need to Undress for my Appointment?
Patients are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing. Many acupuncture points are located on the lower legs and lower arms, so patients may not need to undress if they can roll up their pants and shirt sleeves comfortably. However, some patients might need to disrobe in order to reach treatment areas (for instance, if there is hip, low back or shoulder pain). In this case they will be professionally draped with sheets.