How Does Acupuncture Work?
There's no doubt about it, acupuncture works. Respected medical organizations such as the Mayo Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Harvard Medical School and the World Health Organization endorse acupuncture.
There are several ways to understand how acupuncture works. In my opinion, all ways and models of understanding are valid. There is the traditional Chinese medicine model, which understands that acupuncture works by unblocking energy in meridian systems in the body.
Studies are beginning to reveal that the biomedical view of how acupuncture works is that it impacts the nervous system, releases neurotransmitters and endorphins and regulates the hormonal system. MRIs conducted while patients receive acupuncture show various parts of the brain "lighting up," which may be party responsible for the great impact of acupuncture on the nervous system. From a physical perspective, acupuncture also increases local blood and lymph flow, which can explain some of its great results for things such as pain relieve and improving cognitive function.
There are several ways to understand how acupuncture works. In my opinion, all ways and models of understanding are valid. There is the traditional Chinese medicine model, which understands that acupuncture works by unblocking energy in meridian systems in the body.
Studies are beginning to reveal that the biomedical view of how acupuncture works is that it impacts the nervous system, releases neurotransmitters and endorphins and regulates the hormonal system. MRIs conducted while patients receive acupuncture show various parts of the brain "lighting up," which may be party responsible for the great impact of acupuncture on the nervous system. From a physical perspective, acupuncture also increases local blood and lymph flow, which can explain some of its great results for things such as pain relieve and improving cognitive function.