Natural Women's Health and Hormone Balancing with Acupuncture & Nutrition
Acupuncture treatment can effectively support numerous women's health concerns, including:
Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Painful Menstrual Cycles
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (Moodiness, Depression, Pain, Digestive Complaints, etc).
Abnormal Bleeding
PCOS, Cysts and Fibroids
Menopause and Peri-Menopausal Symptoms (Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Mood Changes, etc.)
How does acupuncture work for women's health and hormonal balance?
Research has shown that acupuncture helps to regulate the master glands of the endocrine system - the hypothalamus and the pituitary. Because of this, it has a very strong effect over the entire hormonal system, which is why it can help so many different women's health issues.
What else can be done?
Clinical Nutrition and Herbal Medicine can be added on to acupuncture to provide an even stronger effect for certain conditions.
Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Painful Menstrual Cycles
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (Moodiness, Depression, Pain, Digestive Complaints, etc).
Abnormal Bleeding
PCOS, Cysts and Fibroids
Menopause and Peri-Menopausal Symptoms (Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Mood Changes, etc.)
How does acupuncture work for women's health and hormonal balance?
Research has shown that acupuncture helps to regulate the master glands of the endocrine system - the hypothalamus and the pituitary. Because of this, it has a very strong effect over the entire hormonal system, which is why it can help so many different women's health issues.
What else can be done?
Clinical Nutrition and Herbal Medicine can be added on to acupuncture to provide an even stronger effect for certain conditions.