1. Acupuncture reduces stress. A recent study conducted at Georgetown University shows that acupuncture reduces stress hormones, including cortisol. It has been shown that excess cortisol raises blood sugar and thus stores fat, especially around the middle. If someone is under a lot of stress, it can be very hard to lose weight, even if they are eating well. Reducing cortisol will also improve sleep, which is also a player in weight loss.
2. Acupuncture optimizes digestion and boosts metabolism. In Chinese medicine, digestion is of utmost importance. If digestion is faulty and food isn’t properly processed, it can lead to the accumulation of what is called “Dampness” in the body. Dampness can be translated as excess body fat according to acupuncture theory. Certain acupuncture points, lifestyle changes and herbal formulas can effectively resolve dampness. In addition, the metabolism of the body can be seen as “Yang” energy in Chinese medicine. Balancing Yin and Yang, as well as other energies in the body can help to optimize metabolism, which is also related to thyroid function.
3. Helping to manage cravings and feelings that can lead to emotional eating. Often eating a healthy diet is a challenge when strong emotions are involved. Almost everyone uses food as a form of comfort from time to time. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine addresses emotional imbalances beautifully, and can be a wonderful adjunct to psychotherapy to address depression and anxiety. Certain ear points are stimulated with small metal seeds (not needles ) between treatments to help calm cravings and reduce anxiety.
4. Acupuncture can boost energy so that a person can be physically active. If fatigue is a problem, acupuncture can help! Being active is key maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Check out our Integrative Weight Loss Program at Florida Pathways to Health for a comprehensive and cutting edge approach to weight loss.